Page 6 - menarfranchiseguide
P. 6


               B.  Size

                   Your  Menar  center  should  ideally  have  four

                   reasonably  sized  rooms  (about  20-30  square
                                         meters  each)  plus  a  multi-
                                         purpose lounge (to be used for

                                         parent  waiting  area,  student
                                         recess area or canteen), two toilets and a storage room.
                                         The total area of the premises can be around 100-200

                                         square meters.

                   Two of the rooms will be designed as classrooms.
                   The other two rooms will be designed as offices.

                   One  of  the  offices  will  be  designed  as  the
                   director’s room. The other office will be used by

                   the registrar and/or secretary for student registration, presentation sessions
                                               to parents and other administrative purposes.

                                               Teachers  also  will  utilize  the  room  for  study
                                               purposes when they don't have classes.

                   If there is an extra room in your premises, you are
                   recommended  to  use  it  as  computer  room  with
                   around 10 laptop computers. This room can also be

                   used as classroom if furnished with other classroom
                   equipment as well (whiteboard, tv, etc.)

                                                   You  can  use  any  further  extra  room  as

                                                   classroom. But remember that each classroom
                                                   requires  a  separate  teacher.  As  a  matter  of
                                                   fact, you should employ as many teachers as

                                                   the number of classrooms.

                                                   If  you  have  only  one  teacher,  having  two
                   classrooms does not mean much as you cannot schedule two classes at the

                   same time with only one teacher.
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